Coming Soon

📝 More Action Item Goodness (Sorting, Filtering, Searching)

✨ Invite Attendees Outside of Trelliswork to Meetings

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Got more questions? We have answers. Do they match up? I mean, ideally, yes: [email protected]

Apr 21, 2023

Trelliswork 0.1.9: Reordering, Sharing, Extra Content

It’s a lot!


🎯 Improved What’s Next Meeting List

Your What’s Next meeting list just got an upgrade! Next time you check out What’s Next you’ll see your meetings sorted by what you’re up to today, what’s coming later, and what meetings you’ve missed. Now would also be a great time to pop into the settings for your meetings to make sure meeting cadence and day of week is up to date! The list will continue to learn as you run your meetings to make sure the important stuff is at the top of the list!

🎁 Share Meeting Links

Now, for any of your team’s meetings, click “Share” at the top of the meeting page to get a link that will take anyone to this meeting. Drop that link into your calendar notice, send it to team members to give them a quick way in, or use it to encourage any technology-challenged team members to find the right meeting!


✉️ Invite Org Members to Meetings

Speaking of, what happens within your team stays within your team… but since we’re all about cross team collaboration it’s about time to break that rule. You’ll notice when you create that link you have two options: Set access for any meeting to either “Only people from this team” or “People from this Trelliswork Org.” If you select people from this org, any other member of your organization will be able to join, regardless of if they’re on your team or not. Hello, cross team meetings!

🚦 Reorder Meeting Activities

This one has been a long time coming. Next time you have a meeting with more than one activity (Hopefully not an unusual situation), go ahead and move those activities around! Topics, polls, and several soon to be released exciting activity types can be dragged and dropped to make sure your agenda fits the order and flow you want.

📃 Add Content to Meeting Topics

Finding yourself trying to seed your upcoming meeting topics with extra notes for people to review before or during the actual discussion? Wish there was something other than just the topic title to give it a little more meat? This feature is for you. Topics now have an optional “Content” field right up top. Use this to provide extra something to any topic so your team has the context they need!

Apr 14, 2023

Trelliswork 0.1.81: The best laid plans


💤 Snooze Topics

This week has a big update to how you can plan for your next team meeting!

Introducing the ability to snooze topics on your agenda. For any topics, recurring or one-time, you can now add a number of sessions you would like to snooze. Just like kicking the can on your morning alarm clock, this will take that topic off of the upcoming agendas and return it once the snooze is over!

You can snooze a topic from your agenda plan, as well as from a live session if plan change.

⏰ Unsnooze Topics

Hey remember that whole new “Snooze Topic” feature? That’s all fine and good until you’ve really getting through your team meeting agenda and they “Hey, why don’t we add back some of those topics sitting in snooze?” No problem! Just go back to your agenda plan (Click “Leave” in the live session… don’t worry, we’re working on some better flows!) and update the snooze status of any topics. Changes will immediately reflect in your live session.

Look, a picture’s work a thousand words on this one. If you’re still confused check out the video above!

🍫 Settings Page Updates

And with that, comes a new version of settings in Trelliswork! Once again, I will fully admin, “How do I change my title / update my photo / logout” are phrases I have heard before. Well, with an improved admin function comes the consistent UI to go with it! Click settings on the bottom left to fulfill all of your configuration and settings dreams.

Apr 7, 2023

Trelliswork 0.1.8: This must be the place


🐇 Action Item Due Dates

It’s possible you saw this one coming.

Next time you create an action item, go ahead and throw due date on there too! We’re doing a lot of work on building out how meeting timing, action item due dates, and more work together to make your team’s work more aligned and productive, but to start small, have some optional action item due dates!

💐 Streamlined Org Onboarding

There is a non-zero number of organizations that are duplicative in the Trelliswork database. I’m not saying a lot. Countable on one hand. But look, I’d prefer that number not get any larger.

So, now, when you create a new organization, you’ll notice the option to allow anyone with a particular email domain to be allowed to join that organization automatically! When they sign up, they’ll be presented with an option to join your already existing organization, or to continue on and create their own.

🐣 Admin Roles

We’ve put this one off long enough. With some of the new stuff this week (as well as some very exciting stuff coming up later this month) we’re gonna need to sort out who’s in charge around here. Or rather, you are.

Now, both organizations and teams have administrators! Since this one gets into the details I’m gonna punt to the docs if you’d like learn more. However, the main point here is now you have some appropriate control over who can change organization and team settings, and who can invite new people to your org.

🍫 Settings Page Updates

And with that, comes a new version of settings in Trelliswork! Once again, I will fully admin, “How do I change my title / update my photo / logout” are phrases I have heard before. Well, with an improved admin function comes the consistent UI to go with it! Click settings on the bottom left to fulfill all of your configuration and settings dreams.

Mar 20, 2023

Trelliswork 0.1.7: So… Do you like… Stuff?


🗳️ Polls

Sometimes, you want to discuss things. You want everyone to get in the room and wrestle with the big issues. You want to create a real space where everyone feels comfortable voicing their authentic goals, passions, hopes, and fears.

But good lord, sometimes you need everyone to pick what kind of pizza toppings they want so that we can complete this order. This shouldn’t be this difficult. It’s pizza. You’ve all had pizza before. You know what you like. JUST SAY THAT THING.

Trelliswork has polls now. When creating activities for any meeting, click “Poll,” create a prompt and some choices, and run it in the next instance of that meeting! Polls act just like Discussions - they can be recurring or one time, and you can still record comments that get attached to the poll itself.

👸🏽 Meeting Lead

You know what also would have solved that whole pizza fiasco from earlier? Not even asking. Look, get 1/2 pepperoni, 1/2 veggie, and get some breadsticks as a nominal option for anyone with dairy problems. Boom. Not everything has to be a discussion. Or a poll. You landed in this role for your decisiveness, pizza-related or otherwise.

Time to let everyone know who’s in charge. Or at least who’s ordering the pizza. On any meeting, you can optionally select a leader. Make sure the team knows who to look to for the agenda, and create some clarity on who will be presenting.


Speaking of…

🎢 Follow in Sessions

Pizza and remote meetings. You know what that’s gonna equal? Greasy keyboard and mouse. There is no way around it. You think you’re somehow going to pull it off, even though 4 years of historic data says otherwise. An hour from now you’ll be breaking out the rubbing alcohol and microfiber cloth, full of pizza and regret.

Well, now just click on whomever is running this live session (perhaps the Session Lead!?), sit back, and enjoy a hands free Trelliswork experience. As long as you’re following you’ll see what they see in any live session.

Follow any session attendee to let them takeover your live session view, letting them drive the progress through agenda topics and discussions.


Enjoy the pizza.

Mar 13, 2023

Trelliswork 0.1.6: We’re All Here


👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 See Session Attendees

Way back when tech startup banking was a sure thing, we shipped Session Banners. If you needed to be somewhere, Trelliswork had your back.

But how do you know everyone else is here? We’re not saying you don’t trust your teammates, but it sure sounds like Zoey’s ordering coffee right now. Sure would be nice to know if she’s actually looking at the same well planned Live Session that the rest of us are.

Well that dream is now a reality. Look at the bottom left of any live session to see who’s there!


Only see your face? Well… I mean… Maybe make your meetings more interesting? I’m just saying we’re fairly confident it’s not a bug.

🗺️ More Action Item Mapping

Now, when you create a new action item in your team’s meeting, it will show up in all of that team’s meetings by default. Don’t want that? No problem - when you create a new action item, you have the choice to connect it to any session you have access to. We’ve just updated the default. If we see a lot of you unchecking these boxes we’ll admit we were wrong and discipline the responsible party.

Feb 24, 2023

Trelliswork 0.1.5: Stealthy team, banners, links… we did a lot.

Where to begin…


🤐 Private Teams

Look, we get it. Some of your teams get up to stuff that’s maybe not for everyone’s eyes. We’re not here to judge. You do you. And if that’s what you do, we’re ready to support that.

Make sensitive teams private! Now, team members can mark teams they are a part of as private, making it so that team is invisible to anyone who is not a member.

Perfect for leadership teams, finance and accounting, surprise parties, and anytime you say “I don’t want to know how you do it, just do it.” We’re not suggesting that last one is healthy behavior, to be clear.

📣 Live Session Notification

Have you ever started a session, gotten some work done with your team, then all just headed out for lunch without ending the session? YEAH WE KNOW. Well, now you get an extra little nudge to remind you to wrap that up. Start ending sessions, start getting awesome session summaries and stats!

You’ll see the banner here…


Also here…


Pretty much everywhere.

🔗 More Action Item Linking

Remember back on… scrolling… scrolling… Jan 30th! Back on Jan 30th, we rolled out Action Item Linking across sessions? Well, that feature - which we’ve noticed was a hit - is now available everywhere you find action items. Did you already think that? Well then this conversation never happened. But for astute users, you will now notice that you can link up action items directly for any Session.